Winos Wanted!
Become a member at The Cellar and score discounts on bottles and bubbly and an array of other benefits. In addition to 10 percent off your first bottle every visit and the same discount for all wine dinners, tastings, classes and other special events, The Cellar members can get 30 percent off all wines by the case and enjoy a featured wine preview and paired appetizers for only $25, every month! Several membership options are available, so speak with your server to sign up today.
Member Benefits
Six Month Minimum
The Wines: This is an opportunity for you to explore wine and varietals from all over the world! Wines you would typically not buy for yourself and that are not available at retail stores! Every month is a new opportunity to expand your palate, share with friends, pair with dinner or just enjoy a bottle by itself!
Discounts on all events: Wine Club Members will always receive a discounted price on all tastings, classes, dinners, festivals and more!
In-House Discounts: Wine Club Members receive 10% off every bottle enjoyed at The Cellar.
Retail Discounts: Receive 20% off any bottle purchased for retail. Receive 30% off any case (12 bottles)
Receive 2 or 3 bottles of wine every month
1 White & 1 Red, 2 Reds or all 3!
Wines are available for pick up every second Saturday of the month.
Wine Club Happy Hour
Wine club happy hour is held twice a month from 5-6:30pm. At happy hour we will taste the three wines for each month accompanied by a food pairing. Anytime you plan on coming, please give us a call by Friday to make a reservation so that we can ensure your seat! Happy hour costs $25 for wine club members, and $30 for guests. The more the merrier!